Testosterone (ECLIA)
Prolactin (ECLIA)
OGTT Non-Pregnant(75 gms)
Lipid Profile
Pap Smear-Conventional
No Menstruation/ Spotting for at least three (3 ) days prior to the procedure.
Do not use vaginal douche/ feminine wash, tampons, birth control foams, jellies, vaginal creams or vaginal medications for three (3) days prior to the procedure.
No sexual contact at least three (3 )days prior to the procedure.
Avoid drinking colored drinks for at least 6 hours.
Full bladder is required prior the procedure.
Samples should be collected 3-4 hrs after waking Preferably 8 - 12 hours fasting (10-12 hours fasting if test request includes other test/s like Lipid Profile)
NOTE: No need to fast if patient has undergone cholecystectomy or surgical removal of gall bladder.
If patient has fluid restriction, consult with the doctor-on-duty for further instructions..
Your booking includes FREE Hati Health Concierge Service. We will assist you with your booking, any appointments scheduling and curating your diagnostics packages, based on your needs. No other payment will be collected at the clinic.